We provide Federal and Local Government Disaster Management agencies an all hazard and early warning Alert Mapping system that ensures universal coverage. The system can be deployed under the principle of subsidiarity. It can be set up both centralized or decentralized with oversight from the lead disaster or emergency management agency.
Universal Early Warning Mapping System
Ideal for Disaster Risk Reduction
Inclusive and Community centred
Restore trust and transparency
Build resilience before disasters strike
No registrations or sign ups
People are 100% anonymous
Connect the dynamic Alert Map to your website

Cities and Towns
Deploy a geographic information system (GIS) that helps your city be safer and better prepared. Information is clearly displayed with CAP (common alerting protocol) headers. Connect the dynamic alert map to your trusted (City) website.
Dedicated channel for important location based information
Augment SMS/Social Media notifications
Built in rating system measures community sentiment
Post and Send multilingual alerts
Multiple agencies can use the same system
Map can be published on your website
Map can be found using a QR code

Law Enforcement
Police can deploy an Alert Map and Notification system that can both warn and inform. The platform can be set up at the local jurisdictional command with oversight from HQ. Ensure your community is the First to Know if anything happens.
Create a new community engagement channel
Build trust and transparency
Community can provide anonymous feedback
Use for: Missing Persons, Suspects Wanted and much more
Update incidents when resolved
Built-in analytics can measure engagement metrics

Emergency Management
We implement an easy to follow Alert and Incident Notification System. Make sure your communities have access to the latest alerts and updates. Cut through the noise with a dedicated, authoritative channel.
Augment sms/social media notifications
Can assist in recovery communications
Build awareness in peacetime
Update warnings when resolved
Geo Alerts, First to Know Alerts, Geo Surveys, Watch Zone alerts - all combine to enhance your response

Crises and Disasters
The platform can be deployed anywhere in the world and in minutes. Disaster managers can immediately establish a Crisis Map and post alerts and updates. Start informing those affected - what happened, what you are doing and when help is coming.
Deploys anywhere in minutes
Critical comms before, during and after/recovery
Send and Post multilingual notifications
Requires no sign up/registration
People can access your info anonymously
Ideal for Aid agencies, Humanitarian agencies, Emergency Operation Centers etc.

Utilities: Gas, Electricty, Water
Deploy your customized Alert Map and ensure your customers can see where issues are, what you are doing about it and when it may be resolved. Send alerts to your First to Know Group and post geofenced areas of concern on the Map.
Augment sms/social media notifications
List outages, upgrade works etc. clearly on the Map
Can be used to warn of impending supply disruptions
Post unlimited updates, and keep people informed
Allow community feedback and rating